First Sunday in Lent
Jesus’ I AM Sayings: The Good Shepherd
“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” (John 10:11).
Sunday, March 9, 2025
Click link Below to see SERMONS onLINE
Palm Sunday, April 13 - 11:00 a.m. Worship
Maundy Thursday, April 17 - 7:00 p.m. - Sanctuary
Good Friday, April 18 - 12:00 p.m. - Sanctuary
Easter Sunday, April 20 - 11:00 a.m. Worship
A SPECIAL INVITATION: SUNDAY MARCH 9, 2025! PLEASE COME AND BRING YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS, NEIGHBORS AND CO-WORKERS! The Chancel Choir and I hope to see you and to hear you join in singing the songs of the season! This is our offering to God and our gift to you!
With love and joy!
Director Joyce Carr and The Chancel Choir are hard at work preparing beautiful anthems and hymns to carry us from Ash Wednesday through Easter.
March 16
the choir will sing the familiar "God So Loved the World' by John Stainer and sing one verse of Covenant's beloved hymns "I Am the Bread of Life" as a response-the verse about Christ being the resurrection and the life and then on April 4, we will sing the entire hymn because it is a perfect musical selection for Don Esa's sermon that day.
March 23
the choir will sing a Biblical Song by Antonin Dvorak "Come my Way, My Truth, My Life" and a spiritual on Palm Sunday "He is King of Kings!"
The congregation will sing the rousing processional hymn "All Glory, Laud and Honor" as we wave our palm branches as did people long ago when Jesus rode in triumph into Jerusalem on a donkey!
Maundy Thursday, April 17
service at 7:00 p.m. on April 17 in the sanctuary will feature familiar hymns and anthems commemorating the Last Supper Jesus had with his disciples. Katie Smith will again join us in worship playing oboe as she has for several years. She is so gifted and plays oboe and piano on many Sunday mornings at her home church so is a will be a blessing to welcome her back again for an evening service!
Good Friday, April 18
service at 12:00 noon in the sanctuary will have nine scripture lessons with hymns and anthems to support and enhance those readings. Sarah Park Chastain will be back to play viola to enhance our worship experience!
Easter bursts forth on April 20
with a flurry of celebration, joy and exuberance at our Sunday morning 11:00 service! Please come prepared to sing "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today" and "Christ Is Risen! Shout Hosanna!" The choir is preparing an energetic anthem "Awake Now, Wintry Earth" with music by Johann Sebastian Bach featuring a crisp fanfare accompaniment with double thirds that will be played by two fine oboists that will be new to Covenant but are well-known in the Atlanta music community!
We enjoyed the music chosen for our Ash Wednesday service. It included a beautiful anthem, "Mercy Still" composed by Nicole Elsey, a music colleague of Director Joyce Carr at a previous church job. The text of this anthem is from an older hymn which Nicole set to a new melody and asked her friend, Heather Sorenson, to create a four-part anthem with string accompaniment to compliment her new melody. The result is gem of an anthem in every respect. Our dedicated choir prepared it well and was accompanied by Sarah Park Chastain on the viola, who always plays with musicality and expression as well as impeccable technique! This was a musical and spiritual experience. Our hymns included some favorites like "Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us" and "To God Be the Glory" along with hymns of repentance and one written specifically for the Imposition of Ashes. Mrs. Chastain played the prelude, hymns and postludes with Director Carr at the organ. Our prayer is that the music enables all present or listening online to open our hearts, minds and spirits to the Word preached to begin our forty days of Lent together.
In Christ,
Pastor Don Esa begins a new sermon series February 23rd on the "I AM" Statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John. The series will last through Lent.
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent.
The church set aside the Wednesday seven weeks before Easter as the beginning of Lent. The imposition of ashes is often a central part of Ash Wednesday services. In Scripture ashes or dust symbolize frailty or death (Genesis 18:27), sadness or mourning (Esther 4:3), judgment (Lamentations 3:16), and repentance (Jonah 3:6). Some traditions also have considered ash a purifying or cleansing agent. All these images are significant in the church’s use of ashes as a Lenten symbol. During the imposition of the ashes on one’s forehead, the words spoken are often “May the sign of the cross be a sign of God’s love in your heart.”
For more Information on what we believe: see the Worship page, Special Services under Covenant Vision page on this website.
You are invited to join us for worship on Sundays at 11:00, either in person or virtually.
Covenant Presbyterian Church
2881 Canton Road, Marietta, GA 30066
(770) 422-5130
Connecting @ Covenant Presbyterian Church
First Sunday in Lent
March 9, 2025, 11:00 a.m.
Linda Swor, liturgist
Psalm 23 KJV
Pastor Don Esa
John 10:11-18 NRSV
Pastor Don Esa
Jesus’ I AM Sayings: The Good Shepherd
“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” (John 10:11).
Charles Reid joined Covenant Presbyterian Church on Sunday, January 26, 2025. Charles comes to us by reaffirmation of faith. Please join us in welcoming Charles to our Covenant family.
On Sunday, Feb. 9, we observed the Souper Bowl of Caring by encouraging contributions of $1.00 and/or one canned food item from each person in attendance. Donations received were sent to MUST Ministries of Marietta. Thank you for helping us make a positive difference in the lives of others by your participation! Following the worship, we enjoyed a fellowship luncheon in Kapperman-Williams Hall. Thank you to volunteers, Pam and Bruce Kapperman, Cathy Walker and Gail Parks.
Thanks to your generosity, we collected $69.00 and 50 cans of food for MUST Ministries of Marietta.
Sunday, January 19.
Our Ordination and Installation Service for our new elders took place during the worship service on Sunday, January 19. Pat Burgess and Stewart Holt were installed for the Class of 2027. Devin Whitaker was ordained and installed. We thanked out-going elder, Ed Putz, Class of 2024, for his hard work and service for Covenant Presbyterian Church.
Elders laying on of hands during ordination and installation of new elders, signifying the church body’s public affirmation and prayerful blessing as they are set apart for their leadership role within the congregation.
At the encouragement of one of our parishioners, Pastor Don Esa has published last summer’s sermon series on the book of Philippians in a softback book. Live Joyfully! is now available for purchase on However, Covenant parishioners can purchase ‘author’s copies’ of the book at half the publisher’s price: $5, available at the door as you leave the worship service.
We wish to thank our dedicated volunteers for another successful week of Family Promise at Covenant.
Provided dinner: Casa Conexion/Elda Galvan, Gail Cramer, Cathy Farmer, Steve & Brenda Krueger, Doug & Paula Roberts, Men from St. Peter & St. Paul Church, Debra Truitt
Overnight hosts: Jim & Vel Crockett, Bob Foster, Karen Humphreys, Steve & Brenda Krueger, Doug & Paula Roberts, Dave & Toni Rosenberg, Lou Taylor, Cathy Walker.
Covenant hosts Family Promise with newly remodeled Family Promise rooms. A special heartfelt thanks goes to our Handy Helpers and Brenda Krueger for her tireless, loving commitment to this mission. Yay, Brenda!
Thank you to volunteers unloading and making beds, Joan Delzangle, Carole Brown, Brenda and Steve Krueger and Velma Laughlin.
Thank you to Ken Dixon, Art Guilfoil, Stewart Holt, Bruce Kapperman, Thomas Kapperman, Steve & Brenda Krueger, Dave & Toni Rosenberg, and Cathy Walker.
Our sanctuary flowers for Sunday, December 22, were given by Paul and Won Yun to the glory of God and in celebration of Christmas. Won is a welcomed new member who sings beautiful solos in Korean with our Chancel Choir and arranges our beautiful sanctuary flowers. Covenant is blessed to have her with us!
Our sanctuary flowers for Sunday November 3, were given for all Saints Sunday and for those who had died this past year.
-Charlise Mallory Black (Charlise was the wife of Jerry Black who had been our organist)
-Rebecca Lynn Branton
-Paula Traylor Grady
-Janna Rose Simon
-Fred Neil Schaefer
-Ronald Alexander Swor
We continue to welcome our Pastor, Dr. Don Esa and his wife, Mary as they join us at Covenant. We are delighted and grateful that you are with us at Covenant Presbyterian Church!
Covenant's Annual Meeting of the Congregation was held on April 14, 2024 at the end of the worship service. In case you weren't able to join us on that day, we wanted to make you aware of very exciting news.
The Session has executed a contract with Don Esa as our pastor effective May 1, 2024. This contract will be renewed annually and it is our hope that Don will be with us for many years.
All are truly welcome as we gather to glorify God through fellowship with one another and to study God's Word.
Loretta Inglis leads the ADULT SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY each week at 9:45 in Room 1. We will began a new 12 week Bible Study on February 16 on the book of Exodus. Everyone is invited to join us.
We welcomed Aleksandra Tevdoska who accompanied the chancel choir with her beautiful flute playing.
Invite friends and neighbors to join us for these special worship services
with The Chancel Choir under Director, Joyce Carr.
Covenant once again participated in the MUST Summer Lunch program. We met in the Fellowship Hall on Friday, July 19, beginning at 10:00 a.m. to help prepare lunches for children who may have no lunch provided during the summer months. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped us with this important ministry!
CIRCLE MEETINGS: meet once a month
Faith Circle will meet on Tuesday, April 1 at 10:00 in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring your ODB and lunch to enjoy after our meeting.
Joy Circle will meet on Wednesday, April 2 at 10:30 a.m. in the lower room.
The Joy Circle scripture bracelet project is postponed. We will reschedule the class and will inform you of the new date as soon as it is confirmed.
We enjoy wonderful fellowship as we study “Women of the Bible”.
“Ladies Bible Study met on Wednesday January 15th at 10:30-12:00 in Room 1. We continued Series II on “Women of the Bible”, studying the second of two lessons from the book of Ruth. There will be no lesson in February. We look forward to being together again March 19th.
Ladies Bible Study is led by Judy Davis and has a 42 year history at Covenant as a study, prayer, and fellowship group. Our regular meeting time is the third Wednesday of each month. All women are welcome, both members and visitors. Please bring your Bible and join us for a time of sharing our blessings, prayer concerns, and Bible study as we grow in Christ.
Be thinking about cleanups, other household chores and repairs. Covenant’s Handy Helpers can tackle most any job around your home and if you have a big job, we can help you find a Contractor and make sure it gets done. Call Robyn at the Church Office, or Steve Krueger 770-591-3852.
Aloha to Aging:
March 2025: Family Caregiver Support Group
Are you a caregiver for family, partner or a friend? We offer a healthy, safe space to process and discuss the myriad mix of emotions and decisions we experience as either a local or long distance caregiver.
Care provided while we meet, must RSVP in advance for care
THE SHEPHERDING COMMITTEE has made available an informal pictorial directory of our congregation. Thank you to Pat Burgess and The Shepherding Committee for undertaking this project. We are excited to get our new directories!
Pentecost Sunday
Bringing a relevant message to the world
Growing the body of Christ
Proclaiming God’s love through mission and outreach.