Christ's Word to His Church Today
The Letters to the Seven Churches of Revelation

We welcome the Rev. Dr. Iain Inglis to our pulpit on Sunday, September 15 and Sunday, September 22, while Pastor Don Esa and his wife, Mary, are away on study leave.  Dr. Inglis is a retired Presbyterian pastor and a member of Greater Atlanta PresbyteryDon returns to the office on September 24.

Pastor Don Esa began a new sermon series on september 8th.

Christ's Word to His Church Today, The Letters to the Seven Churches of Revelation.

Make plans to attend this series and invite a friend to join us.


Are you relatively new at Covenant Presbyterian? You are invited to join Pastor Don Esa (his wife Mary, and several of our elders) at two Newcomers Briefings on Sundays, October 6 and 13, 9:45 a.m., in the Conference Room off the kitchen area. This will be an opportunity to become acquainted with each other and learn more about the background and ministry of Covenant Presbyterian Church. We’ll discuss how Presbyterian churches fit into the spectrum of the wider Christian Church, Covenant’s history, our core beliefs, how we govern ourselves, and much more. Those who are interested in uniting with Covenant will be given that opportunity when we receive new members in the worship service on Sunday, October 27. Please join us for this time of fellowship and learning.


We will begin hosting a new week on Sunday, September 22-29.  If you would like to provide dinner or stay as overnight hosts, please see Brenda Krueger or Cathy Walker.  Thank you in advance!! 

Covenant hosted Family Promise the week of August 11-18.  A special thank you to those who have volunteered to provide meals and to serve as overnight hosts.  We are sure they enjoyed the newly remodeled Family Promise rooms. A special heartfelt thanks goes to Brenda Krueger for her tireless, loving commitment to this mission. Yay, Brenda!

Sunday August 11, Louise Sterling, Family Promise Case Manager visited and spoke at Covenant. She said in 10 years 189 homeless families with children in transition have been served. This is community coming together. Covenant’s support is a huge presence, providing lodging, three meals a day and caring hospitality. Covenant is amazing! Thank you for your love. Thank you for your service! Yay you! For more information:

Thank you to volunteers unloading and making beds, George and Lou Taylor, Art Guilfoil, Dave and Toni Rosenberg, Brenda and Steve Krueger and Velma Laughlin.

Our Family Promise rooms have had a makeover and they look marvelous.  
A big thank you to Ken Dixon, Art Guilfoil, Stewart Holt, Bruce Kapperman, Thomas Kapperman, Steve & Brenda Krueger, Dave & Toni Rosenberg, and Cathy Walker.

Covenant once again participated in the MUST Summer Lunch program.  We met in the Fellowship Hall on Friday, July 19, beginning at 10:00 a.m. to help prepare lunches for children who may have no lunch provided during the summer months.  Thank you to all the volunteers who helped us with this important ministry!

Sunday, June 2, 2024
Our Fellowship Luncheon cooks:  Ken & Ida Dixon, Brenda Krueger, Pam Kapperman,
Gail Parks, and Cathy Walker.

Our sanctuary flowers for Sunday, September 15, were given by Debra Truitt to the glory of God in memory of her husband, Paul Truitt.

You are invited to join us for worship on Sundays at 11:00, either in person or virtually.

Covenant Presbyterian Church
2881 Canton Road, Marietta, GA 30066
(770) 422-5130

Connecting @ Covenant Presbyterian Church

17th Sunday after Pentecost

September 15, 2024, 11:00 p.m.


Debra Truitt, liturgist

Psalm 24:1-6 (ESV)


John 4:1-30 & 39-42


Dr. Iain Inglis

Forgotten or Left

We continue to welcome our Pastor, Dr. Don Esa and his wife, Mary as they join us at Covenant.  We are delighted and grateful that you are with us at Covenant Presbyterian Church!

Covenant's Annual Meeting of the Congregation was held on April 14, 2024 at the end of the worship service.  In case you weren't able to join us on that day, we wanted to make you aware of very exciting news.
The Session has executed a contract with Don Esa as our pastor effective May 1, 2024.  This contract will be renewed annually and it is our hope that Don will be with us for many years.

Pastor Don Esa and his wife, Mary, visited their daughter and son-in-law in California and met their new granddaughter.  From what we hear, Grandpa got the first smile from Isabella!  We are so happy you had a wonderful trip. You were missed!!


The Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study lead by Loretta Inglis, meets each Sunday at 9:45 in Room 1.  All are truly welcome as we gather to glorify God through fellowship with one another and to study God's Word.

Sunday September 22, 2024 

Hi everyone,

This Sunday's lesson will be on Mark chapter 6.

Look forward to seeing you all on Sunday,



Invite friends and neighbors to join us for these special worship services

with The Chancel Choir under Director, Joyce Carr.

Covenant warmly welcomed John Delk, as our guest organist/pianist on Sunday, September 15.  John has worked at Alpharetta Methodist Church for 25 years and has taken a Sunday off from his church to play for us on Sunday so that Joyce Carr can be away to celebrate her son's wedding engagement.

Thanks to Rev. Dr. Iain Inglis, Chancel Choir and organist/pianist, John Delk Sunday, September15th.

It’s so good to see Doug Roberts back in the choir loft. We missed him. We are grateful to our Chancel Choir members who supported Doug Roberts. We are blessed by our beautiful Chancel Choir and Choir Director, Joyce Carr.

CIRCLE MEETINGS: meetings will resume in September after time off in the Summer.

FAITH CIRCLE will meet Tuesday, October 1

We’ll meet as usual in the Fellowship Hall, aka The Kitchen at 10:00.  We’ll have 30 minutes of business and 30 minutes for our lesson. I hope all of you have your Our Daily Bread and bring it to the meeting. If you can stay a little longer to visit, bring your lunch and drink. I look forward to joining all of you as Faith Sisters in Christ!

Faithfully yours,


FAITH CIRCLE met on Tuesday, May 21st, at Becky Evatt’s beautiful home for a “Pretty in Pink” birthday party! Becky and Deb Truitt have May birthdays.

In our Faith Circle, we’ve had so much fun and many blessed years together with Carole Brown as our friend and leader.

Joy Circle will meet on Wednesday, October 2, at 10:00 a.m. in the Lower Room. If you need a book, please see Frances Rindt.

We enjoy wonderful fellowship as we study “Women of the Bible”.

Dear friends,

I am disappointed, but I have to cancel our Ladies Bible Study meeting scheduled for September 18. This cancellation is due to a personal conflict. I wanted to let you know as early as possible so that you could made other plans if needed. Thanks in advance for your understanding.

Hopefully, we can meet in October without any problems. I look forward to seeing you then as we share our blessings and study God’s word together. May the Lord’s love surround you and enfold you.

Blessings in Christ,

Ladies Bible Study is led by Judy Davis and has a 42 year history at Covenant as a study, prayer, and fellowship group. Our regular meeting time is the third Wednesday of each month. All women are welcome, both members and visitors. Please bring your Bible and join us for a time of sharing our blessings, prayer concerns, and Bible study as we grow in Christ.

Aloha to Aging:

September 2024

Family Caregiver Support Group

Are you a caregiver for family, partner or a friend? We offer a healthy, safe space to process and discuss the myriad mix of emotions and decisions we experience as either a local or long distance caregiver.

Care provided while we meet, must RSVP in advance for care


THE SHEPHERDING COMMITTEE has made available an informal pictorial directory of our congregation.  Thank you to Pat Burgess and The Shepherding Committee for undertaking this project. We are excited to get our new directories!

Be thinking about cleanups, other household chores and repairs.  Covenant’s Handy Helpers can tackle most any job around your home and if you have a big job, we can help you find a Contractor and make sure it gets done. Call Robyn at the Church Office, or Steve Krueger 770-591-3852.

Pentecost Sunday

Bringing a relevant message to the world

Growing the body of Christ

Proclaiming God’s love through mission and outreach.