Central to the gospel message is the great commandment to love God and to love our neighbors. Following the resurrection on the day of Pentecost, the church of Jesus Christ was begun. We believe that our love of God and neighbors begins as we love one another within the community of faith and open ourselves to our surrounding community in loving ways. We are intentional about how we go about sharing our love.
“Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.” I John 4:7-8.
Our Church Luncheons are a time of fun, good food, and fellowship. Thank you God for blessing us with a bounty of food.
Thanks to your generosity, we collected $105 and 50 canned food items. All donations will be sent to MUST Ministries in Marietta.
The food and fellowship was so good!
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Hosted by our hard working volunteers: Cathy Walker, Gail Parks, Ken Dixon, Ida Dixon and Pam Kapperman.
Shepherds bowing in prayer.
Our Handy Helpers, Dave Rosenberg, Steve Krueger, Art Guilfoil, Jim Crockett, and Bruce Kapperman blessed Becky Branton with a hand built wheelchair ramp.
Covenant has Shepherds who nurture a network of compassion and care, seeking to connect all our members more deeply with God and each other, in life’s joys and life’s challenges, thereby strengthening the body of Christ. The Shepherds take an oath and the congregation promises to support their brothers and sisters in Christ.
Caring Members - Covenant has loving individuals prepared to offer support for members of the church when needs arise. Members who are homebound due to short-term illness are helped by members who visit, offer comfort, provide meals and run errands.
Helping Hands Fund - Covenant offers love and care to individuals in the community who are in need of immediate housing, utility aid, gasoline for automobiles and immediate food on a one time basis as the need arises.
Handy Helpers - A group of dedicated individuals who are available to help the elderly or singles with simple home repairs.
Thanksgiving Dinner 2024. Recently, Covenant Presbyterian hosted a Thanksgiving Dinner for Drug Court participants. There were about 50 of these workers in attendance along with Cobb County Superior Court Judge Kimberly Childs, several attorneys, and assistants from the drug court. Over the years, Covenant has had participants in the program do various projects at the church—landscape maintenance, various cleaning, painting, janitorial jobs and some office tasks. At one point, an assistant asked how many of these drug court workers had served at Covenant church. About half the group raised their hands. We were thanked for treating these workers with kindness, dignity, and respect as they proceed through their rehabilitation program. Covenant Presbyterian Church has worked with Cobb County’s Drug Treatment Court for four years. The Drug Treatment Court is an 18-to-24-month program that seeks to put individuals with felony convictions for substance abuse on a new pathway in life rather than merely jailing them. Participants in the program are carefully monitored as they work at jobs, further their education, and do community service projects. We rejoice that Covenant Presbyterian has played a role in helping these drug court workers embark on a new pathway in life.
“Resilient, bright and filled with hope, these daffodils, which return with a burst of color each spring, are a part of the Worldwide Living Holocaust Memorial that aspires to plant 1.5 million daffodils in memory of the 1.5 million children who perished in the holocaust and for the children in humanitarian crises around the world today.”
Thank you to Pat Burgess and Steve Krueger for planting the daffodils each fall.
We received this email from Covenant member, Mary Shortt:
"This is how God works…
About 16 of us attended the lunch and learn in the spring to hear Hershel Greenblat tell his story. He is a Holocaust survivor and member of the Worldwide Daffodil Project which our church joined several years ago thanks to Pat Burgess and her committee. I was so touched by his story, my neighbor and I decided to implement the Daffodil Project in our neighborhood. We had the honor of having a representative for the Daffodil Project and Hershel speak at our clubhouse. I was overwhelmed when about 90 people came! Praise God! He and his angels are always at work."
Update: In mid November, 2023, Mary Shortt reported that 750 daffodils had been planted in her neighborhood, implementing the Worldwide Daffodil Project, planning to add more each year. She hopes others will be inspired to do the same.
Mary’s neighbors volunteering their time.
Hershel Greenblat tells his story.
Opening Our Facility to Community Organizations
Covenant believes in sharing our church facilities with community organizations. Currently the following organizations meet at Covenant:
Aloha to Aging, Inc. www.alohatoaging.org
Aloha Day Club - Mondays and Wednesdays: A weekday social respite for those 55+ who have stopped driving and are in need of socialization called Aloha Day Club. Activities include: Engaging games, music- live and singalongs, trivia, art projects and seated exercise.
Education & Wellness Programs - Tuesdays and Thursdays
Family Caregiver/Dementia Support Group - 1st Monday of the month at 2:00PM Care provided for your loved one while we meet. Must contact us in advance to RSVP for care at 770-722-7641.
Parkinson's Disease Carepartner Support Group - 1st Tuesday of the month at 2:00PM. Open to those diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and their care partner.
North Cobb AA
Monday evening at 8 PM
Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM
Thursday evening at 8:00 PM
Monday and Thursday evenings at 8:00 PM
Wednesday and Friday at 1:00 PM
Monday and Thursday evenings at 8:00 PM
Narcotics Anonymous
Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM
Saturday mornings at 11:00 AM
Boy Scout Troop 750
Monday evenings at 7:15 PM
Cub Scouts Troop 057
Tuesday evenings at 6:30 PM
Railroad Club
2nd Friday of the month at 7:00 PM