Disciples of Jesus Christ are on a lifelong quest to develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. As Presbyterians, we believe that this relationship happens as we study, discuss, struggle and embrace scripture with other Christians. Therefore, Covenant provides opportunities for all ages to interact with scripture in ways that will transform lives. We are committed to the words of the Great Commission: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20
The Apostle Paul, the prolific writer of many New Testament books, was the most prominent missionary in the early Christian Church. In September, Pastor Don and Mary Esa visited many of the sites associated with Paul’s journeys including ancient churches in Greece and Turkey. Pastor Don has assembled a website album of pictures from this trip. Use the link below.
Learning Opportunities for Adults
Adult Sunday School Classes
Adult Sunday Morning Bible study - A Bible Study class taught by an excellent Biblical scholar with reading materials provided for class preparation meets each Sunday at 9:45 in Room1.
Exceptional Class - A Sunday School class designed for special needs youth and adults. This class has been a part of our ministry for over 30 years. The class meets during our worship hour enabling parents to attend worship while their youth and adult children are being taught the faith.
For families with young children DURING WORSHIP.
Children are always welcome at Covenant the weekly “Time with Young Disciples occurs in Worship for all children present in worship.
In the rear of the Sanctuary we have established a family room - there are some toys and activities in this room which has a clear view into the Sanctuary and speakers that carry the full Service.
Children’s Sunday School - children are welcome to attend Sunday worship with their parents. Classes will be formed as needed.
Adult MONtHLY Studies
Presbyterian Women at Covenant are organized into two circles and a ladies Bible study where women meet monthly for Bible study, mission work and fellowship.
Faith Circle
Faith Circle, a Ladies Bible Study meets once a month on the first Tuesday of the month at 10:00 AM, September- May.
FAITH CIRCLE met on Tuesday, May 21st, at Becky Evatt’s beautiful home for a “Pretty in Pink” birthday party! Becky and Deb Truitt have May birthdays.
Joy Circle
Joy Circle, a Ladies Bible Study meets once a month on the first Wednesday of the month at 10:00 AM, September- May.
BIBLE STUDY : "Mysteries of Creation: Biblical and Scientific" This class was presented by Bowman and Judy Davis. Judy presented the biblical aspects of the study and Bowman presented the scientific. Bowman is retired as Professor Emeritus of Biology at Kennesaw State University and Judy has been a Bible teacher at Covenant for many years. The goal of this Bible Study was to show that the biblical and scientific accounts of creation need not conflict but actually converge. The Bible study was very well attended and we are grateful for Judy and Bowman’s hard work in their service of Covenant and God.
Ladies’ Bible Study meets on the third Wednesday of the month from 10:30 to 12:00 in Room 1 of the Educational Building. We will continue the topic on “Women of the Bible”. We welcome neighbors and friends. Our meetings consist of sharing our blessings, our prayer requests, prayer, and Bible Study.
Ladies Bible Study
Dr. Iain Ingles is offered a six week Bible study series, “Signs to Life”.
Dr. Iain Inglis presented the Bible Study Series: Signs to Life, teaching us about Jesus’ miracles and signs found in the Gospel of John. We are grateful for this six-week class in which Dr. Inglis gave us some new insights which strengthened our relationships with God. Many of his students were heard to ask, “when is your next Bible Study?”
Thank you to our interim pastor Don Esa for hosting - and spending many hours preparing - the wonderful Lunch & Learn program from his and Mary's 2018 Middle East tour: The Journey of the Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land. We also thank First Presbyterian Church, Marietta for welcoming us and preparing a delicious lunch.

“Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”