Serving others is central to the life of a Christian. Covenant provides a variety of ways for our members to serve the needy in Cobb County, throughout the United States and overseas. We are committed to giving 10% of our financial resources and a significant portion of our life together in service to others. Christ’s words ring true for us:
“Just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” Matthew 25:40b
Local Missions
aloha to aging
Thank you to Brenda and Steve Krueger and Cathy Walker and for volunteering at the Aloha to Aging Festival October 19th!
Aloha provides a variety of programs, many which are mobile and can be offered for specialty groups, neighborhoods, civic organizations, etc. Here is a sampling:
Education: Aging 101 Simulation Class, Staying Sharp Game Day, Technology Training, Speakers Panels, etc.
Wellness: Delay the Disease #1 Exercise program for those with Parkinson's, Fall Prevention, The Power of Music
Support Groups: Dementia/Caregiver Support, Early Onset Support Group, Parkinson's Disease Care-partner Support
Aloha Day Club: A weekday social respite for those 55+ who have stopped driving and are in need of socialization called Aloha Day Club. Activities include: Engaging games, music- live and singalongs, trivia, art projects and seated exercise.
Aloha is a volunteer based organization and is always looking for individuals who enjoy giving back through their talents of music, socializing, fundraising, administrative, team educator and event planning. We welcome you to visit our website at or contact us at or call 770-722-7641. Click link to Sign up for Our Monthly Newsletter
Thank you to Joan Delzangle, Carole Brown, Velma Laughlin, Brenda and Steve Krueger and other volunteers who helped make beds, prepare meals and overnight host for Family Promise.
Family Promise of Cobb County
Covenant is one of 13 host congregations supporting Family Promise of Cobb County, serving homeless families with children in transition. We provide lodging, three meals a day and caring hospitality four times a year for a week at a time, supporting a rotating schedule with our other host congregations. We regularly support the network of churches by providing regular volunteers, meals, funds and other services to assist these families in need.
For more information:
Thank you to our Family Promise volunteers.
Overnight hosts: Deb & Pat Burgess, Jim & Vel Crockett, Bob Foster, Karen Humphreys, Steve & Brenda Krueger, Doug & Paula Roberts, Lou Taylor, Cathy Walker.
Provided dinner: Janice Brown, Elda Galvan (Casa Conexion), Steve & Brenda Krueger, Doug & Paula Roberts, Lou Taylor, Debra Truitt, Cathy Walker, Debbie Wood.
M.U.S.T. Ministries
M.U.S.T. Ministries is a locally based community ministry which supports those who need a helping hand. Each month, Covenant members donate items to help supply the M.U.S.T. food pantry. During the summer, we provide 500 bag lunches so that young children will have something to eat. And in the fall, we participate in the “Back to School Festival” collecting school supplies and back packs for needy children in our community.
Additionally, our “Souper Bowl of Caring” is held every year on Super Bowl Sunday, to collect canned goods and a $1 collection to celebrate our fellowship and to support M.U.S.T. with food donations and funding.
For more information:
Covenant Presbyterian Church participated in the MUST Summer Lunch program in June, Thanks to our volunteers who packed and delivered 100 summer lunches for MUST Ministries!
Presbyterian Church USA-Related Ministries
Donations are collected year round.
Through funding and active participation, the following agencies are supported by Covenant Presbyterian Church:
Pentecost and Joy Gift Offering
Pentecost Sunday was May 19.
We wore something red to church!
We had a special collection for Pentecost. A gift to the Pentecost Offering helps the church encourage, develop, and support its young people, and address the needs of at-risk children. 40% of the Pentecost offering can be retained by individual congregations wanting to make an impact in the lives of young people within their own community. The remaining 60% is used to support children-at-risk, youth, and young adults through ministries of the Presbyterian Mission Agency.
Cherokee Presbytery
Special Offerings of Presbyterian Mission Agency
One Great Hour of Sharing
Christmas Joy Offering
Presbyterian Homes of Georgia
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Program
Thornwell Home for Children (Thank you to everyone for the generous donations received.)
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Program
Operation Christmas Child-Samaritans Purse
Covenant reached out during the Christmas season to support our Mission partners. The Angel Tree was up in the Narthex with ways for us to help JJ Daniell Middle School, Bells Ferry Elementary School, Family Promise, Thornwell, Cobb Family Treatment Court, and AHADI.
JJ Daniell Middle School.
Thank you to the Volunteers at J. J. Daniell Middle School on February 6
Daniell Middle School hosted Reality U for their 8th grade students on Tuesday, February 6th. Volunteers helped run the sessions for the students. Through the Reality U program students were helped to gain important financial literacy knowledge to help them plan for their future while recognizing the importance of their education today and how it is tied to their financial future. It was all packed into a highly interactive 75-minute simulation of life! It was fun for the volunteers.
Boy and Girl Scouts
We celebrated Scout Sunday on February 11. Covenant’s two Scout units are Pack 057 and Troop 750. Troop 750, which was organized in 1970, has been active at Covenant for 54 years. Pack 057 was organized in 2012. We are thankful for all those who have kept this important youth ministry a vital part of our ministry.
Covenant also hosts a Brownie troop. “Girl Scout Troop 22044 is made up of 12 girls in second grade at Addison and Mountain View Elementary School. The girls are all Brownies. We greatly appreciate the generous use of Covenant Presbyterian Church to hold our meetings! Thank you!”
Young Women’s Empowerment Program: Begun through the efforts of Presbyterian Women, funds have been provided to help women with “seed” money for small businesses, including raising small animals (chickens, rabbits), training as hairdressers, learning cooking skills and raising crops. In 2018, funds were provided to buy yarn for the inmates at the Naivasha Medium Prison for women to knit sweaters.
Nursery School Project: In 2016 a classroom was up-graded and one new classroom was built for Munyaka Nursery School. New chairs and tables were purchased for Ebeneneza Nursery School in Maruru. These two school are supported by the Presbyterian Church in East Africa congregations.
For those unfamiliar with Ahadi, it became a mission of Covenant after Gladys Muchoki and her husband, Daniel Thuo, became members of our church in 2013. When Gladys and Daniel returned to Kenya in 2019, Covenant has supported the Ahadi Foundation, which Covenant founded with them. Gladys continues her work with the students at the Ahadi Foundation as well as helping young mothers. Our gifts have provided funds to run the school, scholarships for students, and empowering young mothers by providing seeds as well as chickens for their families. It is our hope to continue support for this mission. If you would like to contribute, please designate “Ahadi” on your check and we will send all contributions to Gladys. Thanks in advance!
December 2024, we received the following email from Gladys Muchoki and our Kenyan mission, the Ahadi Foundation:
Christian greetings,
Schools have closed for Christmas holidays and Ahadi NEEDY Students comfortably completed their national examinations at various institutions and waiting for Christmas. After the Ahadi foundation Committee members meeting next week on December 5th 2024. During the meeting our main agendas will be: Christmas gifts and giving out application form for the year 2025.
I am well and healthy, Daniel say hi to all. We love and pray for you.
Our regards to all,Rev. Gladys Muchoki for Ahadi foundation Committee members